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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Mayberry

The story of Rot and Ruin takes place 14 years after "First Night". A mysterious virus had caused the dead to reanimate. The survivors have protected themselves by living in small colonies within the Rot and Ruin. For our young protagonist fifteen year old Benny, he has reached the age where he must get a work assignment or face his rations being cut.

Since their parents death and reanimation as "Zoms", Benny has been raised by his half brother Tom, a sword wielding, half-Japanese, Zombie Bounty hunter. When Benny soon sees that getting a job is not as easy as he thought it would be, he has only one option left. Become an apprentice to his half brother. There is nothing cool about Tom in Benny's opinion. He wishes Tom could be more like Charlie Pink-Eye and Motor City Hammer, two Zom Killers who have plenty of cool and harrowing stories to tell each time they return from the Rot and Ruin.

As the story develops Benny comes to see the importance and meaningful thing that Tom has done all these years. The story really is about these two brothers and the evolution of that relationship. The background characters are rich as well. I have to admit I love a good book. Rot and Ruin was especially a good one. I couldn't put it down.

Here's some great news...the sequel Dust and Decay is being released August 30, 2011. This reader cannot wait!!

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