Our Protagonist is Rhine, a sixteen year old whose story takes place in a not so distant future where humans are plagued with an early death. Cancer has been cured but it comes with a price. Generations born after the cure begin to die, males at age 25 and females at age 20. With life being cut so short and desperation running rampant, females at age 13 and over are being kidnapped and sold as wives for procreation. Rhine finds herself in this desperate situation when one day she’s thrown into a van and sold as a wife to Linden along with two other girls.
I feel the story here really centers on the relationship of the three girls and the bond they forge. Rhine becomes engrossed in this creepy make belief world where freedom is only an illusion. In her journey she finds that people are complex and not at all what it seems. She finds herself torn between her past and her short future.
I absolutely loved this book. Rhine was such a powerful inspiration of determination, strength and purity. I found her relationship with Linden frustrating and confusing at times but never does her reach for freedom flicker. I savored the last pages because I didn’t want it to end, but I’m happy that this is a trilogy and there are going to be more amazing books written by the talented Lauren DeStefano.
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